What is an astrological birth chart?

An astrological natal chart features the location of celestial bodies the moment you were born.  The planets are archetypes expressed through the 12 zodiacs and, depending on how they align in the chart, make for different personality traits and soul lessons both on a conscious and unconscious level.  A chart can reflect a person’s natural aptitudes and challenges in every aspect of life: relationships, health, home, family, career, childhood, communications, education, etc.  Your natal chart also shows karmic cycles, the deeper layers of your subconscious, as well as your soul purpose. 

My astrology readings offer you deeper insight into your daily struggles as well as identify solutions to patterns that may be repeating in your life.  Not only that, an astrology reading will deepen your self-love and compassion for yourself because you learn who really you are vs. who you think you need to be.

What are transits?

Transits show how the current alignment of planets impacts your natal chart. By having a good understanding of your transits, you will be set up to make better and wiser decisions for your future. You are thus given the chance to act more consciously and in the flow rather than against it. Transits are also very personal to you. So we are shifting from your mind’s idea of how things should look to the natural rhythm of your soul.